This is the average rating assigned to
admin by students who have had contacts with him/her. Rates are as follows:
Number of stars | Meaning |
5 | Excellent |
4 | Very Good |
3 | Good |
2 | Sufficient |
1 | Inadequate |
I am the administrator of this site. You can contact me for any questionsI am the administrator of this site. You can contact me for any questions but please first read the pages under the DISCOVERY
Role: Tutor + Student
Age: 75
Gender: M
Voice presentation:

Subjects taught: Other Subjects
Subjects studied: German
Languages spoken: English, Italian, French, German
Education level: High school
Teaching levels: High school
Hourly fee (US$) min: 20 max: 40
Fee and payment details: I am not really teaching, I am here only to manage this website
Time table:
Country: Germany
Zip Code:
Max distance: Only online or tutor's home/office
Tutoring mode: Online
Nbr. years experience: 35
Current occupation: Professional
Reason for tutoring: Other
Available for contract: No
Time since last visit: 1 week (2025-02-24 08:21 UTC)