This is the average rating assigned to
polyglo7 by students who have had contacts with him/her. Rates are as follows:
Number of stars | Meaning |
5 | Excellent |
4 | Very Good |
3 | Good |
2 | Sufficient |
1 | Inadequate |
Insegnante di inglese e italiano per studenti di qualsiasi livello.
Role: Tutor
Age: 39
Gender: M
Subjects taught: English, Italian
Qualifications: Laurea triennale in Lingue e letterature straniere
Laurea specialistica in Traduzione
Diploma post-laurea in Traduzione audiovisiva (conseguito a Londra)
Languages spoken: Italian, English
Education level: Master
Teaching levels: All
Hourly fee (US$) min: 15 max: 30
Fee and payment details: La tariffa varia a seconda del livello.
Time table: 09-13.30
Country: Italy
Zip Code:
Max distance: More than 20 miles
Tutoring mode: Online, S-home
Experience: Traduttore ed esperto linguistico dal 2010.
Nbr. years experience: 13
Current occupation: Professional
Reason for tutoring: Helping people
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 1 year (2023-10-02 13:15 UTC)