ImmateachesShare Immateaches's profile

Passionate Educator Fostering Knowledge and Lifelong LearningEnthusiastic Software Engineering Student with a Passion for Teaching Online. Eager to share my expertise in mathematics, statistics, and computer science-related subjects. Committed to creating engaging and interactive learning experiences, fostering a deep understanding of concepts, and inspiring a love for lifelong learning. Leveraging my technical background to provide clear explanations and practical insights, I aim to empower students with the knowledge and skills needed for success in these dynamic and ever-evolving fields.
Role: Tutor
Age: 20
Gender: F
Subjects taught: Algebra, Databases, Calculus, Mathematics, Microsoft PowerPoint, Other computer applications, Microsoft Word, Statistics
Qualifications: Bachelor of software engineering
Languages spoken: English
Education level: Undergraduate student
Teaching levels: All
Hourly fee (US$) min: 20 max: 50
Fee and payment details: The fee depends on the subject specifically and level of class.
Time table:
Country: Pakistan
State/Province: punjab
Zip Code: 4624
Max distance: Only online or tutor's home/office
Tutoring mode: Online, Email, Phone
Experience: Hands on 3 years experience working remotely in field and 2 years experience teaching Statistics , computer science and Mathematics for high levels
Nbr. years experience: 5
Current occupation: Online Tutor
Reason for tutoring: Rehearsal/practice
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 1 year (2024-01-18 15:36 UTC)