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Mathematics and Physics Tutor

I received my Bachelors degree from JNT University

I've consistently received high marks from student evaluations after each session. My students have found me to be caring, understanding, and very interested in their individual success. They wrote that I created a stress-free learning environment; making math seem easy and fun. I explain every math concept in a logical, methodical, step-by-step manner.

I particularly enjoy the one-on-one experience of tutoring students of all ages, so I am concentrating solely on tutoring now, so I am available every day of the week.

In general, I prefer teaching basic math, prealgebra, and algebra I and 2, Calculus, Trigonometry Physics and Chemistry . These courses are the building blocks of higher mathematics, and if I can give my student a good foundation of math knowledge, then I feel confident that he or she will have a better chance to succeed in higher education, and in their future life. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction knowing that I have helped someone reach their full potential academically!
Ruolo: Tutor
Età: 29
Genere: F
Argomenti insegnati: Algebra, Trigonometraia, Chimica, Inglese
Qualificazioni: Bachelors in Engineering
Lingue parlate: Inglese
Livello di istruzione: Laurea triennale
Livelli d'insegnamento: Elementare, Scuola media, Scuola Superiore
Prezzo orario (US$) min: 5 max: 45
Orari: Everyday from 10AM-9PM EST
Nazione: United States         Stato/Provincia: North Carolina
Codice postale:
Distanza massima: Solo online o presso il tutor
Modo: Online, Email, Telefono
Esperienza: I've consistently received high marks from student evaluations after each session. My students have found me to be caring, understanding, and very interested in their individual success. They wrote that I created a stress-free learning environment; making math seem easy and fun. I explain every math concept in a logical, methodical, step-by-step manner.
I particularly enjoy the one-on-one experience of tutoring students of all ages, so I am concentrating solely on tutoring now, so I am available every day of the week.
In general, I prefer teaching basic math, prealgebra, and algebra I and 2, Calculus, Trigonometry Grade 12th), Physics and Chemistry Grade 10th). These courses are the building blocks of higher mathematics, and if I can give my student a good foundation of math knowledge, then I feel confident that he or she will have a better chance to succeed in higher education, and in their future life.
Nr. anni esperienza: 8
Occupazione attuale: Professionista
Motivo per insegnare: Lavoro principale
Disponibile per un contratto: No
Tempo dall'ultima visita: 6 mesi (2024-04-16 16:29 UTC)