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Offro ripetizioni in italiano, storia, geografia per tutte le scuole

Role: Tutor
Age: 31
Gender: M
Subjects taught: History of Arts, Italian, Religion, Contemporary History, Italian Literature, History of Philosophy, Anthropology, Geography
Qualifications: Dottore magistrale in Scienze storiche e orientalistiche
Languages spoken: Italian, English
Education level: Master
Teaching levels: All
Hourly fee (US$) min: 10 max: 15
Time table: Disponibile tutti i giorni, anche nei weekend.
Country: Italy         State/Province: Bologna
Zip Code:
Max distance: More than 20 miles
Tutoring mode: All
Nbr. years experience: 1
Current occupation: Professional
Reason for tutoring: Secondary job
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 1 year (2023-04-25 06:23 UTC)
