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Learning keeps life interesting

As a life long student myself, I understand the importance of asking questions and finding answers. Even today, I'm learning a new subject.

I studied via Stonebridge and Oxbridge, gaining knowledge from there as well as putting that knowledge into practice. I have also gained experience withing off the grid living and going into ministry has also helped me gain new insights.

During my ministry training, I gained knowledge of the different types of Sacred scriptures, looking at the Bible in multiple angles, as well as the history of different faiths and why we have so many.

During academic studies, I specialised in mental health studies and genetics. Understanding how our body works helps us how to understand what our body needs, and with the mind and body working together, it gives twice the impact of giving it the proper fuel. This includes alternative medicine and herbal remedies.

Understanding the earth and what the Earth has to offer us with her hidden secrets, Environmental Awareness and Earth Studies can teach us how to be self sufficient, without taking too much resource from the Earth, and to help be in union with her.

I offer a free introduction session where we discuss your needs and what you like to learn and achieve. I can offer help in gaining new qualifications and exams if that's the path you choose to go. Most importantly, the introduction session is the best way to see if I can fulfill your needs
Rol: Profesor
Edad: 31
Género: F
Temas enseñados: Biología , Genética, Medicina alternativa, Primeros auxilios, Química, Historia , Religión, Historia de las religiones, Ecología, ciencias del medio ambiente, Geología, ciencias de la tierra
Calificaciones: Completed studies at Oxbridge, Stonebridge and Centre of Excellence. Also gained training through practical work in the work place.
Idiomas hablados: Inglés
Nivel de Estudio: Alumno de Maestría
Niveles de enseñanza: Primaria, Secundaria, Preparatoria
Precio por hora (US$) min: 0 max: 35
Detalle sobre precio y forma de pago: First session is free as it's an introduction session. I learn what you would like me to teach you, and how I can help you . We also discuss any goals or qualifications being aimed for.
Tabla de tiempos: Flexible
País: United Kingdom         Estado/Provincia:
Código postal:
Distancia máxima: Sólo en línea o en el hogar del profesor
Modo de enseñanza: Online, Email, Teléfono
N° años de experiencia: 8
Ocupación actual: Profesional
Motivo de la enseñanza: Ayudar a los otros
Disponible para contrato: Sí
Tiempo transcurrido desde la última visita: 8 meses (2024-02-17 19:55 UTC)