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English Over Easy

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ian Spriggs, I was born in England. I graduated from the University of Liverpool with an Honours degree in English Language, Literature and Linguistics. I have been working as an English teacher and proofreader for twenty years. My proofreading clients include: The Harvard Business Review and the United Nations. My teaching clients include: Google and CitiBank.

I currently offer seven different courses:

General English – a structured course based upon a wealth of materials

Business English – a structured course based upon a wealth of materials

Learn with Literature – learn English by studying the classics of English Literature

English for Specific Exams – PET/FCE/CAE/CPE etc. everything based upon original source materials from the examining bodies

English for Engineering – a structured course based upon the book ‘Oxford English for Electrical and Mechanical Engineering’ by Eric and Norman Glendinning

Legal English – a structured course based upon a wealth of materials

Writing Course – For busy professionals, this course is conducted entirely by email which means that you choose which time suits you best to study.

Ruolo: Tutor
Età: 57
Genere: M
Argomenti insegnati: Inglese
Qualificazioni: Bachelor of Arts (with Honours), English Language, Literature and Linguistics
Lingue parlate: Inglese
Livello di istruzione: Laurea triennale
Livelli d'insegnamento: Scuola media, Scuola Superiore, Università
Prezzo orario (US$) min: 65 max: 200
Dettagli su prezzi e pagamenti: The basic writing course costs $65 per writing exercise. I am also a proofreader. My fees for this service vary according to a number of different factors.
Orari: I am always available 24/7
Nazione: United Kingdom         Stato/Provincia: Wirral
Codice postale: CH42 9LA
Distanza massima: Solo online o presso il tutor
Modo: Online, Email
Esperienza: I have twenty years of experience as an EFL teacher and proofreader.
Nr. anni esperienza: 20
Occupazione attuale: Tutor Online
Motivo per insegnare: Lavoro principale
Disponibile per un contratto: Si
Tempo dall'ultima visita: 6 giorni (2024-10-16 08:05 UTC)