This is the average rating assigned to
java_web_xpert by students who have had contacts with him/her. Rates are as follows:
Number of stars | Meaning |
5 | Excellent |
4 | Very Good |
3 | Good |
2 | Sufficient |
1 | Inadequate |
Share Java_web_xpert's profile
Java,spring,jquery, Java,swing,JSP,Servlets,Project supportOver Two decades of experience in design,and development in Client Server ,Web and Enterprise technologies.
Core Java,
servlets,jsp, JavaScript,jquery,json,Tomcat
webservices,Springboot,angular 4
Flexible timings.
College project work.
Real time project support.
Excellent communication
Role: Tutor
Age: 54
Gender: M
Subjects taught: Java, Javascript, Java Development Platform, Unix Shells, C++
Languages spoken: English, Hindi-Urdu, Other
Education level: Bachelor
Teaching levels: College/University
Hourly fee (US$) min: 8 max: 15
Fee and payment details: Negotiable
Time table:
Country: India
State/Province: Telangana
Zip Code:
Max distance: Only online or tutor's home/office
Tutoring mode: Online, T-home
Nbr. years experience: 18
Current occupation: Professional
Reason for tutoring: Secondary job
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 13
months (2023-12-23 16:34 UTC)