Tutoring mathematics, computing, programing, MS Office, mechanics-staticsI am teaching more then 20 years. Subjects are mathematics, programming, MS Office , mechanics-statics... At beginning I was tutoring middle and high school pupils math, computing, and started to work in state school. Last 10 years I do teaching math in schools, part time.
Role: Tutor
Age: 57
Gender: M
Subjects taught: HTML/CSS, Mathematics, Algebra, Calculus, Javascript, Differential equations, Matlab, Microsoft Access, Visual Basic
Qualifications: Diploma-Mathematical university
Languages spoken: English, Other
Education level: Bachelor
Teaching levels: All
Hourly fee (US$) min: 5 max: 25
Time table:
Country: Serbia
State/Province: Serbia
Zip Code: 11000
Max distance: Only online or tutor's home/office
Tutoring mode: Online, Email, Phone
Experience: 10 years teaching computing and math in state high and middle school, and 20 years tutoring many topics from math and computing.
10 anni di informatica e matematica nelle scuole medie e superiori e 20 anni di tutoraggio.
Nbr. years experience: 20
Current occupation: School Teacher
Reason for tutoring: Keeping active
Available for contract: Yes
Time since last visit: 11
months (2024-04-23 14:22 UTC)